Wednesday, August 29, 2007


The article was very interesting to me. I really see how people express their feelings on certain situations and really get inspired to create art.
Each artist created art as a form of expression. When thinking about the question: Is this art? It made me think that pretty much anything can be art. I see artwork now as more of a symbol expressing the one's feelings on a particular situation, emotion, or anything happening in their life at the moment. Art can be a symbol of history, feelings, what's happening in society, or anything. This brings me to the question the title asks: Can Art Change Society? Yes, I think it can. Art portrays a message and gives the opinon of an artist on any situation. A different view can change the views of others and cause people to form new opinions and view things differently. It's sort of like "jumping on the bandwagon." When one person does something, sometimes other people catch on and change their ways, which can eventually leard to a big change. Once the views of many change their actions tend to change, which can eventually catch on and lead to a change society.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

This is where we'll begin...

Welcome back!

Hi Everyone,

I hope you all had a great summer. I am very excited about the addition of Art History as a class for Juniors and Seniors and look forward to an exciting year with all of you!

This blog will be a key source of information and images for the class. Each time we look at a new artist or work of art, I will post images here so you have a visual account of everything you've studied in addition to your own notes and ideas. Each of you will also be responsible for maintaining aspects of the blog which we will discuss in class.

Looking forward to getting started!

Ms. Stewart