Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Northern Renaissance Questions

1. Describe three differences between Renaissance painting of Northern Europe and that of Italy.
Renaissance paintings done in Northern Europe differed greatly from the renaissance paintings of Italy. Paintings in Northern Europe were mostly based around the use of everyday objects. But the objects were used in a particular manner that enhanced the subject matter which was mostly based on religion. In Northern Europe the medium was mostly oil paint. With the medium oil paint, Northern European Renaissance artists were able to expand the use of light and color. The innovation of oil paint also led to Northern European artists being able to pay close attention to detail where some Italian Renaissance artists could not. In Italy and Northern Europe paintings were centered on religious subjects. But in Italy ancient Romans and Greeks were reflected in their paintings as well as math, science, and linear perspective.

3. Discuss how the paintings of Bruegal and Bosch are alike.
The work of Pieter Bruegal and Hieronymous Bosch share similar characteristics mostly because Bruegal was inspired by Bosch. Both artists were very innovative and different from other artists in the Northern European Renaissance. Shown in Boschs’ Garden of Delights and Bruegals The Tower of Babel is a pessimistic and negative view on the world. In Garden of Delights it is shown that there are no prospects of salvation. In The Tower of Babel, Bruegal emphasizes the size of the tower and the work process that will lead to failure. Bosch and Bruegal both painted very small figures with similar shapes.

3. Compare El Escorial with an Italian Renaissance building you have studied.
El Escorial in Spain is very different from the Villa Capra in Italy. Andrea Palladio, the architect of the Villa Capra, uses classical forms like the flat dome, central floor plan, ionic columns, pediments, and arches in his design. El Escorial is built in a square grid with the church in the center. El Escorial is very stark and simple compared to Villa Capra. Villa Capra has large columns and porches on the outer façade which makes it intimidating and beautiful building that is daunting like El Escorial. El Escorial’s outer façade is simple with very little embellishments. This makes El Escorial seem unapproachable and daunting.

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