Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Camille Pissarro, Boulevard Monmartre at Night Playlist

Arcade Fire, “Black Mirror”: This song gives off a dark and gloomy mood to the listener which I think is similar to the mood in this painting. Overall, this painting has very dark and cool colors, and I think the dark colors go with the deep, spooky, and sorrowful voice.

Band of Horses, “Is There a Ghost”: This song also gives off a very sorrowful voice that goes along with the dark colors and the atmosphere of the painting. The top half of this painting is the dark sky, and the dark sky sets a murky sort of mood on the painting. Later on this song gets more upbeat, but the voice still retains its steady and bold voice.

Belle & Sebastian, “Waiting for the Moon to Rise”: What struck me for this song was how soft and slow the voice is. To me, this painting depicts a glimpse of a rainy night scene, and this song captures the soft mood of the painting. This song doesn’t strike me as a song that is rushed which contrasts with the strong brushstrokes; but I think they balance each other out.

Bob Dylan, “Shelter From the Storm”: Although there has been a lot of discussion on what this song could mean by itself, I think the movement goes well with this painting. The harmonica adds a movement to the song that goes with the movement in the painting because of the strong brushstrokes. There are cars that look like they could be moving and the reflection from the rain makes the painting have a shimmering look to it. To me, Dylan’s voice is steady but firm and I think it adds reassurance to the listener. I think this painting could be a glimpse of the so-called “storm”.

Broken Social Scene, “Finish Your Collapse and Stay for Breakfast”: This song does not have any words, and I think it captures the mood and atmosphere with the different sound affects. It sounds like it could be the background music to this painting because the song doesn’t give off a sense of boldness or aggressiveness. It is soft and calm which is similar to the cool rainy atmosphere of the painting.

Secret Machines, “Blue Jay Way”: This song starts off with a slow and mournful voice that goes with the color and mood of the painting. There seems to be a bit of plead in the chorus and I think it goes with the dark gloomy shadows of the rainy night. Even though there is a lot of contrast with the cool and warm colors, overall I think this painting gives off mystery and spookiness because you can’t make out every detail of the painting.

Extra songs that I thought depicted the mood this painting:
Death Cab for Cutie, “A Lack of Color”
Pinback, “Loro”
Eric Clapton, “River of Tears”
Feist, “My Moon My Man”
Stars, “The Big Fight (Minotaur Shock Mix)"

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