Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Art Analysis

"Kid Thomas" by: Noel Rockwell
Line: not many straight lines. a lot of the lines curve to form the figure of the man and also to create wrinkles in his clothing and face.
Colors: many dark and light colors. creates a nice contrast. the darks colors form nice shadows at the bottom of the painting and also in parts of his face and clothing. the dark and light colors make the man stand out in the painting, especially his face. darker colors standing out against the light put emphasis on certain parts of the painting.
Value: ranges from hight to low. the colors starts dark at the bottom and get lighter and lighter. it makes it appear as if there is some sort of spotlight on the man. because he stands out it makes him seem alone, like the only comfort he has is his trumpet.
Texture: up close this painting has a lot of texture. you can see where paint was dripped to create a certain look the you see in the painting at a distance and where a lot of paint was used in certain areas like his clothing and parts of the background. the bumpy texture in parts of this picture adds age to the man in the painting. he appears old but the texture makes him appear more weathered.
Unity: all of the colors from the background appear in the clothing and body of the man. for example, the red in the background appears in his suspenders and the light blue is used to create light on his body. the common use of these colors really brings the painting together and makes it flow nicely.
Balance: the common use of colors that appear from the background in the man's body balances out the paitning. the colors in the painting are not all over the place. colors are where they should be so the painting is easy on the eyes unlike some that aren't balanced very well and are more difficult to perhaps take in.
Contrast: the dark and light colors create great contrast. the top of the man really stands out, especially his face, because it is so dark against the light background. this creates a lot of emphasis on the man's face and draws my eyes to that immediately.
Emphasis: the contrast of the dark face upon the light background really puts emphasis on the facial expression of the man, which i feel is very important in this painting; it sets the overall tone.
Movement: the texture of the painting when seen up close creates nice movement in the painting. there isn't as much texture as in other paintings but the drizzles of paint and spotted texture gives the painting calm movement.
Media: Oil paint
Tools: Paintbrushes
Expressive Properties: this is a painting of a jazz musician. it makes me feel calm; jazz is a calming type of music. this painting also makes me feel sad. the facial expression of the man feels sad. also the lightness of his body standing out against the dark color makes it seem as if he is alone. this picture is kind of depressing and doesn't make me feel happy. the darks colors and blue gives one the feeling of sadness.
Type of Painting: Portrait

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