Wednesday, September 5, 2007

“Pirates Alley” Al Federico
Sensory Properties
- Line – the line gives clear definition to the architecture but the lines blend with each other on the cobblestones
- Value – the shading on the buildings show the spottiness of sunlight that would be seen on such a day as the sky indicates and the colors on the ground look reflective as though it might have just rained
- Color – the artist’s bright reds in the brick are a bold contrast to the calmer grey tones in the street and white of the back building
- Shapes – the shapes are rigid but do not feel harsh or overpowering as some architectural paintings can be
Formal Properties
- Unity – although the buildings have little to do with the people standing near them, the street keeps the entire scene unified
- Balance – the buildings have the potential to overpower the couple but because not all of the large buildings are shown and a small patch of sky is seen, it gives the painting a lighter feeling
- Movement – when I look at the painting, my eye starts at the bottom of the street and moves towards the couple at the end of the street, then upwards to the tops of the buildings and the sky

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