Sunday, September 16, 2007

Art Analysis

This is a reproduction of the painting by Jacques- Louis David of the French socialite Madame Récamier. The original was painted in 1800 and is now shown at the Lourve. This reproduction was painted in 1826. Madame Recamier was a well known socialite and beauty in France during the nineteenth century. This portrait of her wearing an empire wasted Grecian gown sparked the trend of Greek clothing in France.
The portrait is very simple. Madame Récamier is lounging comfortably on a sleigh bed styled chaise. Her surroundings and clothes are understated but very elegant. The chaise she is lounging on is brown with yellow and blue cushions. The color of the cushions reflects off her white dress making her stance appear very poised. She has her body facing away from the viewer while her head is turned staring intently. Madame Récamier is wearing a simple white empire style Grecian gown. The paintings background is somewhat dull in shades of green and brown. The contrast between the dark background and Madame Récamier white dress and stance makes her seem like a supreme being.

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