Wednesday, September 5, 2007

"In Our Own Backyard" By: Kathryn Smith

In this painting the use of line is the main focus. Line is what gives structure to the painting. From the houses, to the wildlife, to the people, line is what is used to define these objects. The colors used in the painting depict the type of society conveyed in this picture. The brown, beige and green colors show how this is a middle class town living at a comfortable lifestyle. The brightness of the painting reflect happiness held within the painting and and gives the view a positive outlook. The spacious environment shows a rural setting. Everything works together in this painting through the colors and shapes. There is a balance between subjects and there is no dominant figure in this painting. The painting is oil paint and there is a light layer touching the canvas. Just enough paint was used to convey the image. This painting causes the emotion of happiness. The painting makes me want to drop what I'm doing and enjoy the natural beauty of nature the earth has to offer. The countryside looks beautiful and the vivid colors and liveliness of the image creates happiness to its viewers. This painting was created in the 1930's but it portrays a 19/early 20th century society in Louisiana. No electronics were used and the spread of ideas and customs was through the people itself. This painting reflects society in the sense of work and how people really had to work hard in their jobs. One man is working the crops, someone is fishing, and someone is walking down the street with supplies. Therefore, this painting portrays the most important aspects of this time period and the society they lived in. A pattern is seen through the three strips of land parallel with the road and the river. This painting is classified as a rural scape.

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