Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Can Art Change Society?

This article made me think about art and its role in our society. The article conveyed how the making and observation of art is more than just a contribution to society but is contributed to by society. Art is part of people's everyday life whether they like it or not. Many people can block things out from society, such as politics, racial differences, social class, health issues, but not art, which is why art can change society. People utilize art in society as a pathway to move away from societies problems and lean towards something tangible that can teach them more about life and its beauties then anything else. This article illustrates how art can derive from society people use their personal experiences with society to show the world. Art takes place in so many different roles that people base their lives off art and not even know it. From songs, to dance, to creation, art plays a role in everyday life and can factor in the way people look at life.

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